
Funny gross story 2/22

One day I had really bad gas pain. I was 17 and it was a sat morning. I started the day like many others with 2 slices of whole wheat toast and some jam. The pain continued through out the day, it was really odd because of how constant it was. It got really intense nearly ever 7 minutes, then go away. I could almost time it. I decided to take a late afternoon shower after having several 'no joy' sessions on the toilet. I just couldn't go, it felt like I had something there, just nothing. In the shower, while standing around, it felt like a liquid fart forming. I pressed my hardest to get it out... and splat! Damn I pooped in the shower while trying to fart. Wait.. Thats blood. Lots of blood. This freaked me out a bit, so I called my mom at work. She hurried home and we went to ER. After explaining that I'd had this sharp pain every 7 minutes and shitting blood, they had to 'make sure'. They demanded a sample. The problem with the sampl

2/8 Free Writing

Back Story One of the many subsidiaries for Aztechnology North America was a little known, now defunct company called “Nucleus”. Specializing in controlled micro fuel cell tech, its core achievement was to be rolled out as one of the unique fuel sources for the pile’s ecofriendly off grid self sufficient power grid. With the drop out of funding from Aztechnology and the failure of the project. Much of Nucleus was parted out and reappeared by mergers and acquisitions. Some tech, as always, was not entirely accounted for. The Call “oi, chummer, its your good pal Sparkles. Great work on that last run, you’ve got a good thing going for yourselves, best not mess it up by getting dead. Word has it, someone else took note of your successes and has requested your team specifically. Based on the challenges of the previous local, you may become a hot product in that area. I’m connecting you with a lucrative opportunity, minus my nonnegotiable finder’s fee of 5 percent, don’t let me d

2/1 Free writing

2/1 Free Writing Velocity Theologians estimated that faster than light travel would be the only realistic way to travel from the planet earth to our next nearest habitable planet. They were not entirely wrong, but they were not entirely right. Near light travel (NLT) became the focus for the human races eventual expansion to outside its own solar system. Early estimations place the distance from earth to its nearest neighbor as being 179,000 light years. This became the target for mathematical equations estimating what kind of mode of transportation would traverse this distance within the average human lifespan. Even with smartest people on earth working together to, real working models were impossible to test within the realm of our continuousness. The problem is the corporeal nature of human continuousness. A human life begins is journey to adult hood, struggling to achieve what billions have achieved successfully before it. Cognitive recognition, balance, understandi