2/1 Free writing

2/1 Free Writing


Theologians estimated that faster than light travel would be the only realistic way to travel from the planet earth to our next nearest habitable planet. They were not entirely wrong, but they were not entirely right. Near light travel (NLT) became the focus for the human races eventual expansion to outside its own solar system.
Early estimations place the distance from earth to its nearest neighbor as being 179,000 light years. This became the target for mathematical equations estimating what kind of mode of transportation would traverse this distance within the average human lifespan. Even with smartest people on earth working together to, real working models were impossible to test within the realm of our continuousness. The problem is the corporeal nature of human continuousness.
A human life begins is journey to adult hood, struggling to achieve what billions have achieved successfully before it. Cognitive recognition, balance, understanding of the a piori and eventually though experience the a pastori took near 30 to 40 years before this problem solver could effectively learn which came before them. Leaving a typical lifespan remaining as effective problem solving, give or take another 40 years, before the biological processes which make up the human mind break down and the next cycle begins anew. Its all highly inefficient.
Steven Grey, a neurological biologist, was the first to by all measure to successfully transfer his continuousness to a static digital medium. Each neuron that fired was replicated by a intricate network of microprocessors. On paper and in all reality, the computer that became known as Greys Life was a direct copy of Steven Grey. Steven had mapped his neurological patterns, along with chemical triggers and effects on circuitries. As Greys Life would have a mood change, so did the continuous known as Steven Grey. Through chemical resistances, similar to how the chemical bonds communicate within the human mind, controlled by the nervous system, all interactions from internal stimuli on his consciousness were replicated though the complex mapping system Dr. Grey invented. The system encompassing his consciousness existed in a temperature-controlled facility expanding three miles.
Before his transfer Dr. Grey gave very specific parameters of how to prove it was his continuousness in the Greys Life. From long ago memories of his childhood to deductive puzzles established to have particular outcomes based on his own personal choice matrix. The original Dr. Grey would often evaluate the responses from Greys Life, for any sign that this replicated continuousness wasn’t himself.
The interface for Greys Life was a simple camera system designed to mimic human eyes. There was a shutter system installed to mimic blinking. Programmed into the continuousness was the sensation of breathing, the pacing of breathing having an unconscious cadence of how humans experience old and new information.
Greys Life would often describe the sensation as if it was in a hyperbaric chamber completely devoid of all other sensations other than floating and information immediately analyzed from the video feed.
This video feed needed to be recorded in the same fluid form a memory would be formed and recorded inside the human mind. As a biological brain emphasis one type of neuron more frequently than the next, the same needed to be done inside of Greys Life. What was born was a complex form of writing and erasing less perinate information. What the challenge for new memory became, was priority of more important information over less important information.
For example; if a human would glance at a room with a person seated in it. Some humans would focus on the why, or the experience of a human seated in a chair. That new memory would be different depending the experiences of the individual. This type of individualistic data recording would need to have some kind of personal algorithm unique to Dr. Greys own memories. Other humans may focus on who is seated in the chair or how large the room is or any of the other millions of variables a single snap shot of data would ask and thus needed to be computed.
Simulations run thousands of times on how information was stored and forgotten in nanoseconds revealed a kind of consciousness fingerprint. Unique to Dr. Grey and the configuration of Greys Life. On of the simulations released that the this fingerprint would be best related explained as a kind of soul. Dr. Grey being a nonreligious person felt calling it a soul may give a greater level importance but, it just seemed to fit. Because by all intensive purposes, this was a unique entity the moment that continuousness fingerprint began to operate outside of its original copying.
Souls were not unique, in fact as each deductive problem was posed before Greys Life, each micro difference between how Greys Life responded to sensory in puts became as near unique and free thinking as the next variation. Instead of a single copy of a continuing as was the day of copying, as each problem or interaction occurred, a unique soul responding to its own chemical mix of chance and choice became just as valid and unique as the original.
The storage load for each new continuousness string of events quickly filled the data warehouse in weeks on initial testing. Since there was a finite amount of data storage and no real way to determine how a consciousness evolved within its own boundaries a filtering method needed to be invented. After the first wipe and reset, Greys Life had an estimated twelve trillion unique souls in the first 3 weeks.
Dr. Grey’s research team noted that a high pitch sound emanating from the interface computers of all the copies of souls being erased will forever haunt their nightmares. Something needed to be done.
How could it be possible for a single copy to maintain its identity, making choices as a unique individual would, while not storing temporal copies of itself as potential outcomes. How would these memories be formed, without replicating all that Greys life over and over as unique souls.
A motivation needed to be implemented, a kind of evaluation program that would measure past choices on goals set by Greys life. Any kind deviance from that goal, would need to be instantly weeded out. Reaper was what they called it.


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