2/8 Free Writing

Back Story
One of the many subsidiaries for Aztechnology North America was a little known, now defunct company called “Nucleus”. Specializing in controlled micro fuel cell tech, its core achievement was to be rolled out as one of the unique fuel sources for the pile’s ecofriendly off grid self sufficient power grid. With the drop out of funding from Aztechnology and the failure of the project. Much of Nucleus was parted out and reappeared by mergers and acquisitions. Some tech, as always, was not entirely accounted for.

The Call
“oi, chummer, its your good pal Sparkles. Great work on that last run, you’ve got a good thing going for yourselves, best not mess it up by getting dead. Word has it, someone else took note of your successes and has requested your team specifically. Based on the challenges of the previous local, you may become a hot product in that area. I’m connecting you with a lucrative opportunity, minus my nonnegotiable finder’s fee of 5 percent, don’t let me down, because I’m getting my piece if I have to sell your parts to the ghouls myself.
Here are the details:
 Dock 28, Warehouse 4, 11pm, Thursday.
Attendance: Face +1
Contact: Johnson
Pass Phase: Peter Pan is a lie
The Meet Location
If there was ever a day when this dock was ever used, it wasn’t recently. Waterlogged, disrepaired, squatted on and shit out, would be a close description. Dilapidated buildings which used to hold vast crate forests of goods moving in from Asia to the UCAS, now are filled with empty unused moving equipment and metal items too damaged to even salvage. There may be a single window in the entire facility which isn’t cracked or broken, what its holding on to, only its long since dead creator might know. Each of the buildings, has past the point of graffiti riddled, the gangs don’t even bother to lay claim to this dock, holes as large as a car can be found riddling the swiss cheese this once proud water structure.
The Meet
Nearly 20 minutes late, approaching from foggy bay is a near silent passenger helicopter accompanied by 2 armed roto drones. The helicopter has no clear markings, and is listed private registration (Deep dive: Contractor Merc Firm Raven Shield, hired out to multiple corps for protection/clandestine operations).  Hovering nearly effortlessly over docks edge two very armed men wearing tactical googles secure an area at the entrance to the warehouse.
After 1 minute descending from the aircraft is an well dressed man in a suit followed by an obviously frightened tech caring a large case.
The suit confidently walks into the building followed by the tech. The two paramilitary types hang back near the door.
A very tired lab coat wearing tech is quickly speaking but very anxious. Pupils very dilated and he looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks. “Alicia, I’ve made it work! They tried to shut us down, but I kept going… I’ve had to make some regrettable compromises, but none of that is going to matter, this is out ticket out of here! We should… “ The video recording is cut short by a gravely voice “Who are you talking to? Get back to work, there’s 5 more the boys brought in” The recording pauses for a moment as a freeze frame of another person comes into focus. It’s a grey skinned nearly naked creature passing behind the tech, long inhuman fingers and very sharp teeth, a ghoul.
“I want that device, intact and fully functional.” “Doctor Redding, if mentally, physically intact, will be a bonus”
Tech: Here are the last known parameters of cell and a case to contain it. He provides you with the black case.
Location: Based on the near immovable objects in room, personal history of the target, its been determined this makeshift research location is deep under the pile.
Payment: 300k, 100 bonus for Dr. Redding. Negotiation 350k.
Mr Johnsons details – Corp suit fixer for a sub contractor out of South America. Deep dive is Aztechnology (6 difficutly)
Finding the Ghouls –
Ventilation ducts accessible through maintenance tunnels.
Street Doc/cyber Wild Willy’s cyber emporium, implantation tech puts in orders for ‘used parts’…
Doc is having a challenge of controus about installing parts from people over and over again. Some failing on a micro cellular level, giving him a bad name for bad parts. (Hes been buying parts from ghouls, which have been disabling critical components and tracking these items via RF Tags)


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